0754 024 665

Scurtă descriere a proiectului

Titlul proiectului: „Unitate pentru spalare si granulare mase plastice”

Numele beneficiarului: TOTAL RECOVER S.R.L.

Codul MySMIS al proiectului: 137139

Obiectivul general al proiectului il constituie imbunatatirea competitivitatii intreprinderii TOTAL RECOVER SRL prin realizarea unei investitii initiale in domeniul reciclarii deseurilor din plastic prin crearea unei noi unitati de productie si diversificarea activitatii societatii prin introducerea in fabricatie a unor noi game de produse (granule HDPE).

Obiectivele specifice ale proiectului:

  1. Crearea unei noi unitati de productie si diversificarea activitatii societatii in domeniul reciclarii de deseuri din plastic (productia de granule din HDPE si LDPE) prin:

- Constructia unei hale de productie, constructie metalica parter pe fundatii de beton, cu inchideri si invelitoare din panouri tristrat cu miez de vata bazaltica de inalta densitate (fonoabsorbante), care va adaposti linia tehnologica pentru spalarea si granularea maselor plastice reciclabile. Aria construita va fi de 924,75 mp, aria utila de 890 de mp. Infrastructura din beton, suprastructura pe cadre metalice, inchideri (fonoabsorbante) din panouri tristrat cu vata bazaltica de inalta densitate, invelitoare (fonoabsorbanta) din panouri tristrat cu vata bazaltica de inalta densitate pa pane metalice, tamplarie din Pvc cu geam termopan si porti sectionale, ventilare naturala si mecanica, iluminare naturala si electrica, energie regenerabila produsa de panouri fotovoltaice montate pe invelitoare.

- Dotarea cu echipamente pentru desfasurarea activitatii de productie de granule din HDPE si LDPE.

- Achizitionarea de programe informatice specifice activitatii productive.

  1. Derularea de activitati specifice prioritatii de investitie in vederea dezvoltarii capacitatii intreprinderii de a-si dezvolta si mentine avantajul competitiv:

- Implementarea procesului de certificare a unor produse specifice activitatii desfasurate in cadrul proiectului – Granule din LDPE.

- Implementarea procesului de certificare a sistemului de management al securitatii informationale (ISO 27001).

- Participarea, in calitate de expozant, la un targ de profil.

  1. Respectarea si promovarea principiilor orizontale privind dezvoltare durabila si egalitate de sanse prin:

- Utilizarea surselor regenerabile de energie prin includerea sistemului de alimentare cu panouri fotovoltaice, destinat producerii energiei electrice prin conversia energiei solare in energie electrica. Acest sistem reprezinta o solutie inovativa pentru reducerea consumului de energie electrica a constructiei.

- Retehnologizarea / achizitionarea echipamentelor mai eficiente energetic si optimizarea functionarii instalatiilor si a fluxurilor tehnologice prin achizitionarea echipamente noi, performante si mai eficiente energetic (instalatie spalare si tocare plastic, extruder, Sistem de filtrare apa pentru instalatia de spalare si tocare, Sistem de racire apa pentru extruder).

- Minimizarea la sursa a deseurilor. Cresterea gradului de recuperare si reciclare a deseurilor prin achizitionarea instalatiilor si echipamentelor pentru reciclarea si valorificarea deseurilor din plastic, intreg proiectul fiind orientat catre recuperarea si valorificarea deseurilor.

- Angajarea unei persoane din categoria defavorizate punctul a): nu a avut un loc de munca stabil remunerat in ultimele 6 luni.

Rezultatele anticipate ale proiectului:

  1. Materiale de promovare: 1 anunt incepere proiect, 1 anunt finalizare proiect, 1 panou temporar, 1 placa permanenta si 4 autocolante, scurtă descriere a proiectului pe site-ul existent al societatii TOTAL RECOVER S.R.L.
  2. Constructia unei hale de productie, constructie metalica parter pe fundatii de beton, cu inchideri si invelitoare din panouri tristrat cu miez de vata bazaltica de inalta densitate (fonoabsorbante), care va adaposti linia tehnologica pentru spalarea si granularea maselor plastice reciclabile. Aria construita va fi de 924,75 mp, aria utila de 890 de mp. Infrastructura din beton, suprastructura pe cadre metalice, inchideri (fonoabsorbante) din panouri tristrat cu vata bazaltica de inalta densitate, invelitoare (fonoabsorbanta) din panouri tristrat cu vata bazaltica de inalta densitate pa pane metalice, tamplarie din Pvc cu geam termopan si porti sectionale, ventilare naturala si mecanica, iluminare naturala si electrica, energie regenerabila produsa de panouri fotovoltaice montate pe invelitoare.

Dotarea cu active corporale si necorporale (numar): 

- 4 utilaje si echipamente tehnologice

- 1 program informatic

La finalul implementarii proiectului se va realiza angajarea personalului suplimentar necesar, 1 persoana din categorii defavorizate.

  1. Activitati specifice prioritatii de investitie derulate:

- 1 produs certificat – Granule din LPDE

- 1 sistem de management certificat

- 1 participare, in calitate de expozant, la targuri de profil

Data semnării contractului de finanțare: 07.05.2021

Perioada de implementare a proiectului: 48 de luni, respectiv 01.09.2019 - 31.08.2023

Valoarea totală a contractului de finanțare: 17.652.968,18 lei

Valoarea eligibilă nerambursabilă din FEDR: 3.950.706,25 lei

Valoarea eligibilă nerambursabilă din bugetul național: 697.183,43 lei

Valoarea finanțării nerambursabile a contractului de finanțare: 4.647.889,68 lei

Pentru informații detaliate despre celelalte  programe cofinanțate de Uniunea Europeană, vă invităm să vizitați www.fonduri-ue.ro

Site-ul web al Programului Operaţional Regional 2014-2020: www.inforegio.ro 

Pagina de Facebook a programului: https://www.facebook.com/inforegio.ro

Denumirea completă a programului este: Regio - Programul Operațional Regional 2014-2020

Axa prioritară 2: ”Îmbunătăţirea competitivităţii întreprinderilor mici și mijlocii”, Prioritatea de investiţii 2.2: “Sprijinirea creării și extinderea capacităților avansate de producție și dezvoltarea serviciilor”. Contractul de finanțare a fost încheiat cu Ministerul Lucrărilor Publice, Dezvoltării și Administrației în calitate de Autoritate de Management și cu Agenţia pentru Dezvoltare Regională a Regiunii Vest, în calitate de Organism Intermediar

Persoană de contact: domnul Dimitar Georgiev, cu următoarele date de contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Telefon: 0749/022.536

This document relates to the use of cookies and similar technology in our website, implementing our Privacy Policy and of Terms and Conditions of Use of the website.

For additional questions and details about the Terms and Conditions of Use of the website, Privacy Policy or Cookie Policy, please contact us.

What are cookies and what are they good for?

The Cookie name applies to a small file to be stored on the computer or mobile device from which you access the Internet. The cookie is installed by a request issued by the user's terminal to a server or to a third-party server.

Cookies make it possible to provide user-friendly services as they allow the recognition of the devices used and the presentation of the content according to the preferences of the user.

Cookies used in data collection and anonymous traffic statistics allow us to understand how users of our website benefit from it and to improve the structure and the content without personal identification of the user.

We use two types of session (temporary) and fixed (stored on device) cookies. Session cookies remain on the user's device until the end of the session or upon closing of the application. Fixed cookies remain stored for a period determined by the cookie parameters or until they are manually deleted.

Cookies or similar technologies in themselves do not require personal information and - more often than not - do not personally identify Internet users. In certain situations, cookies collect data to facilitate certain user functions but encrypt them in a way that does not allow unauthorized people to access them.

2. How we use cookies?

On our website, you'll encounter several types of cookies that serve:

  • for the operation of the site (example: Google Maps, Youtube), strictly necessary, are set on your device when accessing the site or as a result of the site actions, as the case may be.
  • for analysis (example: Google Analytics)
  • for marketing and advertising (example: Facebook, Google).

3. Administration and blocking of cookies

Generally, saving cookies to users' devices is allowed by default. There is the option of blocking the automatic cookie administration by the web browser or informing the user whenever his permission is required to install cookies.

If you choose the limited use or the cookies blocking, certain features of our website could be affected, generating various errors in the use of the site (failure of authentication or online shopping, for example).

If you still want to block cookies, use the appropriate button in the notification section at the bottom of the screen.

Cookies can be reactivated or disabled at any time by accessing the bottom module of each page.

For more detailed information, please check your browser's settings.

4. Data security and privacy

We inform you that as a user you can use the privacy settings of web browsers to establish different levels of cookie acceptance. You can also choose only a certain period of validity, or the automatic delete of the cookies after having visited the site.

Therefore, you can set the use of cookies at the level of comfortable security for you. If you are the only user of your device, you can choose long expiration dates to store your browsing history and personal access data. If your device is used by multiple people, you can set your browser to delete individual browsing data each time you close it.

We process your data in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR), as well as any other applicable legislation in Romania.

By publishing this Privacy Policy, we inform you in a transparent manner about how we collect, use, transfer, and protect your personal data when you interact with us through our website.

To reflect any changes to the way we process your personal data or any changes to your legal requirements, updates and periodic changes to this Privacy Policy will be published on this page.

What categories of personal data are processed

We collect your personal data directly through the forms published on our site, so you control the type of information you provide to us.

For example, when you send us a message using the contact form, you provide us with information such as: name and surname, email address, phone number, etc.

We can furthermore collect and then process certain information about your behavior while you visit our site, in order to personalize your online experience. According to our Cookie Policy, we can store and collect information in cookies and/or by using similar technologies.

We do not collect or otherwise process sensitive data included by the EU GDPR in special categories of personal data. We do not want to collect or process data of minors (under 16).

The purpose od data processing

We use your personal data as follows:

1. To improve our services

To give you the best online browsing experience on our site, we can collect and use certain information about your activity on the site. We rely on our legitimate interest in doing business, while being careful to respect your fundamental rights and freedoms.

2. For marketing activities

To keep you up to date with the best deals for products/services you are interested in, we can send you emails with general and thematic information, offers or promotions, as well as market research or opinion polls, and we can show customized recommendations on our site. For this purpose, we may use certain data about your activity on our website to create a profile.

We ensure every time that these processing is carried out in accordance with your rights and freedoms and that the decisions taken on them do not affect you to a significant extent.

In most cases, we base our marketing communications on your prior consent, which you can later withdraw by using the unsubscribe link displayed at the end of the email received from us or by direct contact (mail, phone or email).

3. To defend our legitimate interests

In some situations, we will use or transmit information to protect our rights and commercial activity. Among them we mention:

  • Various measures to protect the website and its users against cyber attacks.
  • Measures to prevent and detect fraud attempts, including the transmission of information to competent public authorities.
  • Measures to manage various other risks.

In some cases, we base our processing on legal provisions such as the obligation to safeguard the goods and values provided for by the applicable law in this regard.

How long do we keep your personal data

We will store your personal data for the period necessary to maintain good communication with you. You may request the deletion of certain information at any time and we will respond to these requests. We keep certain information in situations where applicable law or legitimate interests require it.

Who we send your personal data to

As the case may be, we may transmit or give access to your personal data to various categories of service providers (courier, payment / banking services, marketing, market research) or to other companies with which we can develop market joint bidding programs of our goods and services.

We may also disclose certain personal data to public authorities, if we have a legal obligation or if it is necessary to defend our legitimate interest.

We ensure that access to your data by third-party private law entities is done in accordance with the legal provisions on data protection and confidentiality of information, based on contracts concluded with them.

In which countries we transfer your personal data

We currently store and process your personal data in Romania.

However, we may transfer certain of your personal data to entities located in the European Union or outside the Union, including in countries where the European Commission has not recognized an adequate level of personal data protection.

We take every precaution to ensure that any international transfer of personal data is carefully managed in order to protect your rights and interests. Data transfers will always be protected by contractual commitments and, where appropriate, other safeguards. To find out more about the countries where we transfer your data, you can contact us at any time.

Security of your personal data

We are committed to ensuring the security of personal data by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures, according to industry standards.

Despite the steps taken to protect your personal data, we do not take responsibility for the vulnerabilities of the systems that are not under our control. The transmission of information via Internet is not completely secure, there is the risk that the data will be seen and used by unauthorized third parties.

Your rights

The EU GDPR provides as follows:

  • You can request access to your data, correct any mistakes in our files, and / or you can oppose to the processing of your personal data.
  • You have the right to complain to the competent supervisory or to the courts, as well as the right to request the deletion of your personal data, the right to restrict your data processing and the right to data portability.

In order to exercise your rights, you can contact us using the contact details published on the contact page. We intend to respond to any valid requests within 30 days, unless this is particularly complicated or if you have made several requests, in which case we will respond within 60 days.


You can ask us to confirm if we process your personal data and to make available to you a copy of the data and give you the data we have, what we use, who we disclose the data to, whether we transfer them abroad, and how we protect them, how long we keep them, what rights you have, how you can make a complaint, from where we have obtained your data, to the extent that the information has not already been provided to you through this notice.


You may ask us to rectify or complete your inaccurate or incomplete personal data. We might verify the accuracy of the data before correction.

Delete data

You may ask us to delete your personal data, but only if:

  • data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;
  • you have withdrawn your consent (if the data processing is based on consent);
  • they have been processed illegally;
  • you have a legal right to oppose in this respect;
  • there is a legal obligation to do so.

We are not required to comply with your personal data deletion request in any circumstance. The most probable situations in which we may decline your request are:

  • to comply with a legal obligation;
  • for finding, exercising or defending a right in court.

Restriction of data processing

You can ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data only if:

  • their accuracy is being challenged (see the Rectification section) to allow us to verify their accuracy;
  • they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they have been collected, but you need them to find, exercise or defend a right in court;
  • the processing is illegal, but you do not want the data to be deleted;
  • you have exercised the right to oppose you, and checking whether our rights prevail is in progress.

We may continue to use your personal data as a result of a restriction request if we have your consent, or to establish, exercise or secure the defense of a right in court or to protect the rights of Integral Design or any other natural or legal person.

Data portability

You may ask us to provide your personal data in a structured, commonly used and automatically readable form, or request them to be ported directly to another data operator, provided the processing is based on your consent, or the conclusion or performance of a contract with you and to do so by automatic means.


You may oppose the processing of your data at any time if you believe that your fundamental rights and freedoms prevail over our legitimate commercial interest.

You can also refuse direct marketing processing (including creating profiles) at any time without giving any reason, in which case we will cease processing as soon as possible.

Automated decisions

You can request not be the subject of a decision based solely on automatic processing when that decision:

  • produces legal effects with respect to you;
  • affects you in another similar way and to a significant extent.

This right shall not apply if the decision taken following automatic decision-making:

  • is required by us to conclude or run a contract with you;
  • is authorized by law and there are adequate guarantees for your rights and freedoms;
  • relies on your explicit consent.


You have the right to complain to the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing about the processing of your personal data, but we recommend that you contact us in advance and ensure that we make every effort to resolve any issues amicably.

We are always open to your feedback and provide you with any additional information you may need regarding the processing of your data. Please contact us using the details or form published on the contact page.

Pursuant to an investment of more than €2,000,000, our company commissioned in 2019 an LDPE granule production center including o washing line purchased from Tecnofer, Italy, and an extruder acquired from Gamma Meccanica, Italy, with a capacity of 1,000 kilograms / hour.

The types of LDPE granules which we product are mainly intended to plastic waste manufacturers, and are of two types:

  • transparent,
  • colored (black).

We also hold a state-of-the-art laboratory where we periodically check quality parameters, such as flow index and density.

The melt flow index is adjusted based on client’s needs.

The MFI (minimum flow index) which we may offer is 0.5 g/10 min.

We all want a better world. A world where our children may love healthily and in harmony with nature. We are in the third millennium, and the fight against the mountains of waste which humanity produces is fierce.

We are bombarded with green messages and slogans on a daily basis. We, however, stopped talking and started acting. We collect waste, recycle it and then, turn it into raw material. This is a process which saves resources, but more importantly, keeps the environment clean and habitable.

Company is registered in Timișoara
The first collection and sorting center opens in Timișoara
The company's second collection and sorting center opens in Arad
Investments in own collection and sorting center in Arad
The company's third collection and sorting center opens in Oradea
Investments in own collection and sorting center in Oradea and purchase of an industrial property in Deta (Timiș)
Investments in a washing and pelletizing line in Deta
Investments in a washing and pelletizing line in Arad

1. Definitions

User - any person over the age of 16 or a legal entity registered on the Site who, by browsing the site, has agreed to the specific terms of the Site in the Terms and Conditions section.

Site - the web application hosted on the web address __________.

Site Owner - The Site is the property of __________, identified by J00 / 00000/0000 and Unique Registration Number RO0000000, located in ________________, referred to further as the Site Owner.

Content - it represents:

  • all the information on the Site that can be viewed or otherwise accessed by using electronic equipment;
  • the content of any email sent to users by electronic means and / or any other available means of communication.

Document - The current Terms and Conditions will be further reffered to as Document.

Commercial Communications - Any type of email or telephone message containing general and thematic information on offers or promotions regarding similar or complementary products or services to those you have purchased, as well as other commercial communications ( market research and opinion polls).

2. Use of the Site Content

The information published on the Site is of general interest and is made available for free to Users.

By accessing the Site Content, the User has agreed to the Terms and Conditions, including the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.

The Site Owner reserves the right to update the Site Content as well as the Site Terms and Conditions to reflect any changes to the Site's terms and conditions or any changes to legal requirements.

The document is opposed to Users from the moment of its publication on the Site. In the event of any such change, we will display the modified version of the Document on the Site, so please periodically review the content of this Document.

The Site Owner may limit access to the site or certain facilities on the site, may limit certain IPs without notice and without any liability.

3. Intellectual Property Rights

The content (including logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Site) is the exclusive property of the Site Owner, it being reserved all the rights obtained directly or indirect (through usage and/or publication licenses).

The user is allowed neither to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and / or alter, use, display, include any Content in any other context outside of the Site, remove the trademarks that represent the Site Owner's copyright over the Content, nor to participate in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made through the reproduction, modification or display of the Content, except with the express written consent of the Site Owner.

The User may only copy, transfer and / or use the Content for personal or non-commercial purposes only if it do not conflict with the provisions of the Document.

Any use of the Content is forbidden for purposes other than those expressly set out in this Document or the accompanying use agreement, if any.

4. Confidentiality

By transmitting information or materials through the Site, you give the Site Owner unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, copy, display, modify, transmit and distribute these materials or information.

You also agree that the Site Owner may freely use for your own benefit such information, ideas, concepts that you have sent us through the Site.

The Site Owner will not be subject to obligations regarding the confidentiality of the submitted information, unless the legislation in force provides for further specification in this respect.

The Site Owner will preserve the confidentiality of the information of any kind that you provide. Disclosure of the information provided may only be made under the terms of this document.

Our Privacy Policy, which covers all issues regarding the processing of personal data, is part of this Document.

Our Cookie Policy is part of this Document.

5. Commercial Communications

As a User you may withdraw at any time the agreement given to the Site Owner for Commercial Communications containing general and specific information, including information about offers or promotions, as follows:

  • by accessing the unsubscribe link displayed in the emails received from us;
  • by directly contacting the Site Owner.

In order to improve our offer of products/services, as well as the user experience on our website, we may use your data for market research and opinion polls. Your responses to market research and opinion polls will not be associated with your identity, nor transmitted to third parties or published. You can withdraw your consent at any time by accessing the email unsubscribe link or by contacting the Site Owner.

6. Applicable law. Jurisdiction.

This document is subject to Romanian law. If any litigation arises between the Site Owner and the User, they will be settled amicably. If this is not possible, the help of the competent courts will be required.

We are young. We were born in 2010. However, with the energy youth has offered us, we have managed to become, in less than a decade, one of the most important collection and recycling companies in Romania. Our business began in Timișoara. We were growing healthily and, then, step by step, we have extended over the entire western part of the country.

Such extension occurred as a consequence of the fact that we were constantly reinvesting. For instance, in 2019, we have commissioned a production line for plastic pearls made from LDPE / HDPE, with the total investing costs amounting to more than €3,000,000.

We currently have collection centers on the city located on the Bega channel, as well as in Arad, Oradea and Deta. We use the four urban centers to gather all types of recyclable material: paper, plastic, glass, wood and metal waste. The amount we are collecting and sorting currently exceeds 2,500 tons per month.

Our company is your professional partner whenever we speak about collection and recycling of waste.

Plastic, Metal, Paper or Wood Waste Collected Directly from You

We collect any type of paper, cardboard, wood and aluminum waste, directly off your site. We also take in polyethylene waste, PETs and other types of plastic materials, for recycling. Collection shall be carried out using own plant.

Extended Collection Area

We provide collection services even outside the three aforementioned counties where we have operating points. They are provided by subcontractors, but the quality of the services offered is the same, as all our partners are professionals.

We Offer You Your Own Collection Plant

Also, in order to facilitate the work of some our partners producing a larger amount of waste, which they are further required to manage, our company offers the equipment specific to such task. We are talking about dumpsters, pressing dumpsters, packing presses and chopping and packaging devices.

We May Draw Up Any Documents You Require for Your Business

We offer all our clients traceability documents and certificates offered by recyclers proving that waste was indeed recycled.